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Update vue monorepo to v2.7.16

Housekeeper (bot) requested to merge renovate/vue-monorepo into master

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
vue (source) dependencies minor 2.6.12 -> 2.7.16
vue-template-compiler (source) devDependencies minor 2.6.12 -> 2.7.16

Release Notes

vuejs/core (vue)


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vuejs/vue (vue-template-compiler)


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Bug Fixes
  • lifecycle: esnure component effect scopes are disconnected (56ce7f8), closes #​13134


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Bug Fixes


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Bug Fixes


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Bug Fixes


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Bug Fixes
Performance Improvements
  • improve unsub perf for deps with massive amount of subs (8880b55), closes #​12696


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Bug Fixes


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Bug Fixes


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Bug Fixes
  • setup: support listeners on setup context + useListeners() helper (adf3ac8)


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Bug Fixes
  • codegen: script setup should not attempt to resolve native elements as component (e8d3a7d), closes #​12674
  • inject: fix edge case of provided with async-mutated getters (ea5d0f3), closes #​12667
  • setup: ensure setup context slots can be accessed immediately (67760f8), closes #​12672
  • types: vue.d.ts should use relative import to v3-component-public-instance (#​12668) (46ec648), closes #​12666
  • watch: fix queueing multiple post watchers (25ffdb6), closes #​12664


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Bug Fixes


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Bug Fixes
  • add missing export from vue.runtime.mjs (#​12648) (08fb4a2)
  • detect property add/deletion on reactive objects from setup when used in templates (a6e7498)
  • do not set currentInstance in beforeCreate (0825d30), closes #​12636
  • reactivity: fix watch behavior inconsistency + deep ref shallow check (98fb01c), closes #​12643
  • sfc: fix sfc name inference type check (04b4703), closes #​12637
  • types: support Vue interface augmentations in defineComponent (005e52d), closes #​12642
  • watch: fix deep watch for structures containing raw refs (1a2c3c2), closes #​12652


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Bug Fixes
  • build: fix mjs dual package hazard (012e10c), closes #​12626
  • compiler-sfc: use safer deindent default for compatibility with previous behavior (b70a258)
  • pass element creation helper to static render fns for functional components (dc8a68e), closes #​12625
  • ssr/reactivity: fix array setting error at created in ssr [#​12632] (#​12633) (ca7daef)
  • types: fix missing instance properties on defineComponent this (f8de4ca), closes #​12628
  • types: fix this.$slots type for defineComponent (d3add06)
  • types: fix type inference when using components option (1d5a411)
  • types: global component registration type compat w/ defineComponent (26ff4bc), closes #​12622
  • watch: fix watchers triggered in mounted hook (8904ca7), closes #​12624


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Bug Fixes


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Bug Fixes
  • compiler-sfc: preserve old deindent behavior for pug (1294385), closes #​12611


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Bug Fixes
  • lifecycle: esnure component effect scopes are disconnected (56ce7f8), closes #​13134


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Backported Features

In addition, the following APIs are also supported:

  • defineComponent() with improved type inference (compared to Vue.extend)

  • h(), useSlot(), useAttrs(), useCssModules()

  • set(), del() and nextTick() are also provided as named exports in ESM builds.

  • The emits option is also supported, but only for type-checking purposes (does not affect runtime behavior)

    2.7 also supports using ESNext syntax in template expressions. When using a build system, the compiled template render function will go through the same loaders / plugins configured for normal JavaScript. This means if you have configured Babel for .js files, it will also apply to the expressions in your SFC templates.

Notes on API exposure
  • In ESM builds, these APIs are provided as named exports (and named exports only):

    import Vue, { ref } from 'vue'
    Vue.ref // undefined, use named export instead
  • In UMD and CJS builds, these APIs are exposed as properties on the global Vue object.

  • When bundling with CJS builds externalized, bundlers should be able to handle ESM interop when externalizing CJS builds.

Behavior Differences from Vue 3

The Composition API is backported using Vue 2's getter/setter-based reactivity system to ensure browser compatibility. This means there are some important behavior differences from Vue 3's proxy-based system:

  • All Vue 2 change detection caveats still apply.

  • reactive(), ref(), and shallowReactive() will directly convert original objects instead of creating proxies. This means:

    // true in 2.7, false in 3.x
    reactive(foo) === foo
  • readonly() does create a separate object, but it won't track newly added properties and does not work on arrays.

  • Avoid using arrays as root values in reactive() because without property access the array's mutation won't be tracked (this will result in a warning).

  • Reactivity APIs ignore properties with symbol keys.

In addition, the following features are explicitly NOT ported:

  • createApp() (Vue 2 doesn't have isolated app scope)
  • Top-level await in <script setup> (Vue 2 does not support async component initialization)
  • TypeScript syntax in template expressions (incompatible w/ Vue 2 parser)
  • Reactivity transform (still experimental)
  • expose option is not supported for options components (but defineExpose() is supported in <script setup>).
TypeScript Changes
  • defineComponent provides improved type inference similar to that of Vue 3. Note the type of this inside defineComponent() is not interoperable with this from Vue.extend().

  • Similar to Vue 3, TSX support is now built-in. If your project previously had manual JSX type shims, make sure to remove them.

Upgrade Guide

Vue CLI / webpack
  1. Upgrade local @vue/cli-xxx dependencies the latest version in your major version range (if applicable):

    • ~4.5.18 for v4
    • ~5.0.6 for v5
  2. Upgrade vue to ^2.7.0. You can also remove vue-template-compiler from the dependencies - it is no longer needed in 2.7.

    Note: if you are using @vue/test-utils, you may need to keep it in the dependencies for now, but this requirement will also be lifted in a new release of test utils.

  3. Check your package manager lockfile to ensure the following dependencies meet the version requirements. They may be transitive dependencies not listed in package.json.

    • vue-loader: ^15.10.0
    • vue-demi: ^0.13.1

    If not, you will need to remove node_modules and the lockfile and perform a fresh install to ensure they are bumped to the latest version.

  4. If you were previously using @vue/composition-api, update imports from it to vue instead. Note that some APIs exported by the plugin, e.g. createApp, are not ported in 2.7.

  5. Update eslint-plugin-vue to latest version (9+) if you run into unused variable lint errors when using <script setup>.

  6. The SFC compiler for 2.7 now uses PostCSS 8 (upgraded from 7). PostCSS 8 should be backwards compatible with most plugins, but the upgrade may cause issues if you were previously using a custom PostCSS plugin that can only work with PostCSS 7. In such cases, you will need to upgrade the relevant plugins to their PostCSS 8 compatible versions.


2.7 support for Vite is provided via a new plugin: @​vitejs/plugin-vue2. This new plugin requires Vue 2.7 or above and supersedes the existing vite-plugin-vue2.

Note that the new plugin does not handle Vue-specific JSX / TSX transform, which is intentional. Vue 2 JSX / TSX transform should be handled in a separate, dedicated plugin, which will be provided soon.

Volar Compatibility

2.7 ships improved type definitions so it is no longer necessary to install @vue/runtime-dom just for Volar template type inference support. All you need now is the following config in tsconfig.json:

  // ...
  "vueCompilerOptions": {
    "target": 2.7
Devtools Support

Vue Devtools 6.2.0 has added support for inspecting 2.7 Composition API state, but the extensions may still need a few days to go through review on respective publishing platforms.

Bug Fixes
  • sfc: only include legacy decorator parser plugin when new plugin is not used (326d24a)


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Bug Fixes


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Bug Fixes
Performance Improvements


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This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot. The local configuration can be found in the local Renovate Bot repository.

Edited by Housekeeper (bot)

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