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fix(deps): update dependency @astrojs/mdx to ^0.19.0 - autoclosed

Housekeeper (bot) requested to merge renovate/astrojs-mdx-0.x into master

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
@astrojs/mdx (source) dependencies minor ^0.11.4 -> ^0.19.0

Release Notes

withastro/astro (@​astrojs/mdx)


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Patch Changes
  • #​7185 339529fc8 Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Bring back improved style and script handling across content collection files. This addresses bugs found in a previous release to @astrojs/markdoc.


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Patch Changes
  • #​7178 57e65d247 Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Fix: revert Markdoc asset bleed changes. Production build issues were discovered that deserve a different fix.


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  • #​6758 f558a9e20 Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Improve style and script handling across content collection files. This addresses style bleed present in @astrojs/markdoc v0.1.0


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Minor Changes
  • #​6344 694918a56 Thanks @​Princesseuh! - Add a new experimental flag (experimental.assets) to enable our new core Assets story.

    This unlocks a few features:

    • A new built-in image component and JavaScript API to transform and optimize images.
    • Relative images with automatic optimization in Markdown.
    • Support for validating assets using content collections.
    • and more!

    See Assets (Experimental) on our docs site for more information on how to use this feature!

  • #​6213 afbbc4d5b Thanks @​Princesseuh! - Updated compilation settings to disable downlevelling for Node 14

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Minor Changes
  • #​6253 0049fda62 Thanks @​bluwy! - Support rehype plugins that inject namespaced attributes. This introduces a breaking change if you use custom components for HTML elements, where the prop passed to the component will be normal HTML casing, e.g. class instead of className, and xlink:href instead of xlinkHref.


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Minor Changes
  • #​6050 2ab32b59e Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Fix: load syntax highlighters after MDX remark plugins. This keeps MDX consistent with Astro's markdown behavior.
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Minor Changes
  • #​5684 a9c292026 Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Refine Markdown and MDX configuration options for ease-of-use. & #​5769 93e633922 Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Introduce a smartypants flag to opt-out of Astro's default SmartyPants plugin.

    • Markdown

      • Replace the extendDefaultPlugins option with a gfm boolean and a smartypants boolean. These are enabled by default, and can be disabled to remove GitHub-Flavored Markdown and SmartyPants.

      • Ensure GitHub-Flavored Markdown and SmartyPants are applied whether or not custom remarkPlugins or rehypePlugins are configured. If you want to apply custom plugins and remove Astro's default plugins, manually set gfm: false and smartypants: false in your config.

    • Migrate extendDefaultPlugins to gfm and smartypants

      You may have disabled Astro's built-in plugins (GitHub-Flavored Markdown and Smartypants) with the extendDefaultPlugins option. This has now been split into 2 flags to disable each plugin individually:

      • markdown.gfm to disable GitHub-Flavored Markdown
      • markdown.smartypants to disable SmartyPants
      // astro.config.mjs
      import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
      export default defineConfig({
        markdown: {
      -   extendDefaultPlugins: false,
      +   smartypants: false,
      +   gfm: false,

      Additionally, applying remark and rehype plugins no longer disables gfm and smartypants. You will need to opt-out manually by setting gfm and smartypants to false.

    • MDX

      • Support all Markdown configuration options (except drafts) from your MDX integration config. This includes syntaxHighlighting and shikiConfig options to further customize the MDX renderer.

      • Simplify extendPlugins to an extendMarkdownConfig option. MDX options will default to their equivalent in your Markdown config. By setting extendMarkdownConfig to false, you can "eject" to set your own syntax highlighting, plugins, and more.

    • Migrate MDX's extendPlugins to extendMarkdownConfig

      You may have used the extendPlugins option to manage plugin defaults in MDX. This has been replaced by 3 flags:

      • extendMarkdownConfig (true by default) to toggle Markdown config inheritance. This replaces the extendPlugins: 'markdown' option.
      • gfm (true by default) and smartypants (true by default) to toggle GitHub-Flavored Markdown and SmartyPants in MDX. This replaces the extendPlugins: 'defaults' option.
  • #​5687 e2019be6f Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Give remark and rehype plugins access to user frontmatter via frontmatter injection. This means data.astro.frontmatter is now the complete Markdown or MDX document's frontmatter, rather than an empty object.

    This allows plugin authors to modify existing frontmatter, or compute new properties based on other properties. For example, say you want to compute a full image URL based on an imageSrc slug in your document frontmatter:

    export function remarkInjectSocialImagePlugin() {
      return function (tree, file) {
        const { frontmatter } =;
        frontmatter.socialImageSrc = new URL(frontmatter.imageSrc, '').pathname;

    When using Content Collections, you can access this modified frontmatter using the remarkPluginFrontmatter property returned when rendering an entry.

    Migration instructions

    Plugin authors should now check for user frontmatter when applying defaults.

    For example, say a remark plugin wants to apply a default title if none is present. Add a conditional to check if the property is present, and update if none exists:

    export function remarkInjectTitlePlugin() {
      return function (tree, file) {
        const { frontmatter } =;
    +    if (!frontmatter.title) {
          frontmatter.title = 'Default title';
    +    }

    This differs from previous behavior, where a Markdown file's frontmatter would always override frontmatter injected via remark or reype.

  • #​5891 05caf445d Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Remove deprecated Markdown APIs from Astro v0.X. This includes getHeaders(), the .astro property for layouts, and the rawContent() and compiledContent() error messages for MDX.

  • #​5782 1f92d64ea Thanks @​Princesseuh! - Remove support for Node 14. Minimum supported Node version is now >=16.12.0

  • #​5825 52209ca2a Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Baseline the experimental contentCollections flag. You're free to remove this from your astro config!

    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
    - experimental: { contentCollections: true }
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Minor Changes
  • #​5654 2c65b433b Thanks @​delucis! - Run heading ID injection after user plugins


    If you are using a rehype plugin that depends on heading IDs injected by Astro, the IDs will no longer be available when your plugin runs by default.

    To inject IDs before your plugins run, import and add the rehypeHeadingIds plugin to your rehypePlugins config:

    // astro.config.mjs
    + import { rehypeHeadingIds } from '@​astrojs/markdown-remark';
    import mdx from '@​astrojs/mdx';
    export default {
      integrations: [mdx()],
      markdown: {
        rehypePlugins: [
    +     rehypeHeadingIds,
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Minor Changes
  • #​5291 5ec0f6ed5 Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Introduce Content Collections experimental API
    • Organize your Markdown and MDX content into easy-to-manage collections.
    • Add type safety to your frontmatter with schemas.
    • Generate landing pages, static routes, and SSR endpoints from your content using the collection query APIs.


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Patch Changes
  • #​5335 dca762cf7 Thanks @​bluwy! - Preserve code element node data.meta in properties.metastring for rehype syntax highlighters, like `rehype-pretty-code``


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Edited by Housekeeper (bot)

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