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fix(deps): update dependency astro to v2 - autoclosed

Housekeeper (bot) requested to merge renovate/astro-2.x into master

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
astro (source) dependencies major ^1.5.2 -> ^2.0.0

Release Notes

withastro/astro (astro)


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  • #​8144 04caa99c4 Thanks @​lilnasy! - Fixed an issue where data entries' id included backslashes instead of forward slashes on Windows.


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  • #​8127 b12c8471f Thanks @​natemoo-re! - Do not throw Error when users pass an object with a "type" property

  • #​8092 7177f7579 Thanks @​natemoo-re! - Ensure dotfiles are cleaned during static builds

  • #​8122 fa6b68a77 Thanks @​natemoo-re! - Improve fidelity of time stats when running astro build

  • #​8070 097a8e4e9 Thanks @​lilnasy! - Fix a handful of edge cases with prerendered 404/500 pages

  • #​8123 1f6497c33 Thanks @​natemoo-re! - Open to configured base when astro dev --open runs

  • #​8105 0e0fa605d Thanks @​martrapp! - ViewTransition: bug fix for lost scroll position in browser history

  • #​8116 b290f0a99 Thanks @​martrapp! - On back navigation only animate view transitions that were animated going forward.

  • #​7778 d6b494376 Thanks @​y-nk! - Added support for optimizing remote images from authorized sources when using astro:assets. This comes with two new parameters to specify which domains ( and host patterns (image.remotePatterns) are authorized for remote images.

    For example, the following configuration will only allow remote images from to be optimized:

    // astro.config.mjs
    export default defineConfig({
      image: {
        domains: [''],

    The following configuration will only allow remote images from HTTPS hosts:

    // astro.config.mjs
    export default defineConfig({
      image: {
        remotePatterns: [{ protocol: 'https' }],
  • #​8109 da6e3da1c Thanks @​martrapp! - fix: reinsert attribute to specify direction of ViewTransition (forward / back)


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  • #​8011 5b1e39ef6 Thanks @​bluwy! - Move hoisted script analysis optimization behind the experimental.optimizeHoistedScript option


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  • #​7861 41afb8405 Thanks @​matthewp! - Persistent DOM and Islands in Experimental View Transitions

    With viewTransitions: true enabled in your Astro config's experimental section, pages using the <ViewTransition /> routing component can now access a new transition:persist directive.

    With this directive, you can keep the state of DOM elements and islands on the old page when transitioning to the new page.

    For example, to keep a video playing across page navigation, add transition:persist to the element:

    <video controls="" autoplay="" transition:persist>

    This <video> element, with its current state, will be moved over to the next page (if the video also exists on that page).

    Likewise, this feature works with any client-side framework component island. In this example, a counter's state is preserved and moved to the new page:

    <Counter count={5} client:load transition:persist />

    See our View Transitions Guide to learn more on usage.

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  • #​7782 0f677c009 Thanks @​bluwy! - Refactor Astro rendering to write results directly. This improves the rendering performance for all Astro files.

  • #​7786 188eeddd4 Thanks @​matthewp! - Execute scripts when navigating to a new page.

    When navigating to an new page with client-side navigation, scripts are executed (and re-executed) so that any new scripts on the incoming page are run and the DOM can be updated.

    However, type=module scripts never re-execute in Astro, and will not do so in client-side routing. To support cases where you want to modify the DOM, a new astro:load event listener been added:

    document.addEventListener('astro:load', () => {


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  • #​7686 ec745d689 Thanks @​matthewp! - Redirects configuration

    This change moves the redirects configuration out of experimental. If you were previously using experimental redirects, remove the following experimental flag:

    experimental: {
      redirects: true,

    If you have been waiting for stabilization before using redirects, now you can do so. Check out the docs on redirects to learn how to use this built-in feature.

  • #​7707 3a6e42e19 Thanks @​ottomated! - Improved hoisted script bundling

    Astro's static analysis to determine which <script> tags to bundle together just got a little smarter!

    Astro create bundles that optimize script usage between pages and place them in the head of the document so that they are downloaded as early as possible. One limitation to Astro's existing approach has been that you could not dynamically use hoisted scripts. Each page received the same, all-inclusive bundle whether or not every script was needed on that page.

    Now, Astro has improved the static analysis to take into account the actual imports used.

    For example, Astro would previously bundle the <script>s from both the <Tab> and <Accordian> component for the following library that re-exports multiple components:


    export { default as Tabs } from './Tabs.astro';
    export { default as Accordion } from './Accordion.astro';

    Now, when an Astro page only uses a single component, Astro will send only the necessary script to the page. A page that only imports the <Accordian> component will not receive any <Tab> component's scripts:


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  • #​7532 9e5fafa2b Thanks @​ematipico! - The astro/middleware module exports a new utility called trySerializeLocals.

    This utility can be used by adapters to validate their locals before sending it to the Astro middleware.

    This function will throw a runtime error if the value passed is not serializable, so consumers will need to handle that error.

  • #​7532 9e5fafa2b Thanks @​ematipico! - Astro exposes the middleware file path to the integrations in the hook astro:build:ssr

    // myIntegration.js
    import type { AstroIntegration } from 'astro';
    function integration(): AstroIntegration {
      return {
        name: 'fancy-astro-integration',
        hooks: {
          'astro:build:ssr': ({ middlewareEntryPoint }) => {
            if (middlewareEntryPoint) {
              // do some operations

    The middlewareEntryPoint is only defined if the user has created an Astro middleware.

  • #​7432 6e9c29579 Thanks @​ematipico! - Adds a new command astro info, useful for sharing debugging information about your current environment when you need help!

    astro info


    Astro version            v2.6.6
    Package manager          pnpm
    Platform                 darwin
    Architecture             arm64
    Adapter                  @&#8203;astrojs/vercel/serverless
    Integrations             None
  • #​7532 9e5fafa2b Thanks @​ematipico! - The astro/middleware module exports a new API called createContext.

    This a low-level API that adapters can use to create a context that can be consumed by middleware functions.

  • #​7532 9e5fafa2b Thanks @​ematipico! - Introduced a new build option for SSR, called build.excludeMiddleware.

    // astro.config.mjs
    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
      build: {
        excludeMiddleware: true,

    When enabled, the code that belongs to be middleware won't be imported by the final pages/entry points. The user is responsible for importing it and calling it manually.

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  • #​7353 76fcdb84d Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Remove legacy handling for MDX content collections. Ensure you are using @astrojs/mdx v0.18 or above.

  • #​7385 8e2923cc6 Thanks @​ematipico! - Astro.locals is now exposed to the adapter API. Node Adapter can now pass in a locals object in the SSR handler middleware.

  • #​7220 459b5bd05 Thanks @​ematipico! - Shipped a new SSR build configuration mode: split. When enabled, Astro will "split" the single entry.mjs file and instead emit a separate file to render each individual page during the build process.

    These files will be emitted inside dist/pages, mirroring the directory structure of your page files in src/pages/, for example:

    ├── pages
    │   ├── blog
    │   │   ├── entry._slug_.astro.mjs
    │   │   └── entry.about.astro.mjs
    │   └── entry.index.astro.mjs

    To enable, set build.split: true in your Astro config:

    // src/astro.config.mjs
    export default defineConfig({
      output: 'server',
      adapter: node({
        mode: 'standalone',
      build: {
        split: true,
  • #​7220 459b5bd05 Thanks @​ematipico! - The Astro hook astro:build:ssr now receives a new option in their payload, called entryPoints.

    entryPoints is defined as a Map<RouteData, URL>, where RouteData represents the information of a Astro route and URL is the path to the physical file emitted at the end of the build.

    export function integration(): AstroIntegration {
      return {
        name: 'my-integration',
        hooks: {
          'astro:build:ssr': ({ entryPoints }) => {
            // do something with `entryPoints`
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  • #​7438 30bb36371 Thanks @​bluwy! - Fix astro:build:setup hook updateConfig utility, where the configuration wasn't correctly updated when the hook was fired.

  • #​7436 3943fa390 Thanks @​kossidts! - Fix an issue related to the documentation. Destructure the argument of the function to customize the Astro dev server based on the command run.

  • #​7424 7877a06d8 Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Update internal types for more stable builds for Astro maintainers.

  • #​7427 e314a04bf Thanks @​ematipico! - Correctly emit the middleware code during the build phase. The file emitted is now dist/middleware.mjs

  • #​7423 33cdc8622 Thanks @​bmenant! - Ensure injected /_image endpoint for image optimization is not prerendered on hybrid output.


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  • #​7067 57f8d14c0 Thanks @​matthewp! - Experimental redirects support

    This change adds support for the redirects RFC, currently in stage 3:

    Now you can specify redirects in your Astro config:

    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export defineConfig({
      redirects: {
        '/blog/old-post': '/blog/new-post'

    You can also specify spread routes using the same syntax as in file-based routing:

    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export defineConfig({
      redirects: {
        '/blog/[...slug]': '/articles/[...slug]'

    By default Astro will build HTML files that contain the <meta http-equiv="refresh"> tag. Adapters can also support redirect routes and create configuration for real HTTP-level redirects in production.

  • #​7237 414eb19d2 Thanks @​bluwy! - Remove experimental flag for custom client directives

  • #​7274 b5213654b Thanks @​Princesseuh! - Update base tsconfig.json template with allowJs: true to provide a better relaxed experience for users unfamilliar with TypeScript. allowJs is still set to false (its default value) when using the strictest preset.

  • #​7180 e3b8c6296 Thanks @​lilnasy! - The Inline Stylesheets RFC is now stable!

    You can now control how Astro bundles your css with a configuration change:

    export default defineConfig({
        build: {
            inlineStylesheets: "auto"

    The options:

    • inlineStylesheets: "never": This is the behavior you are familiar with. Every stylesheet is external, and added to the page via a <link> tag. Default.
    • inlineStylesheets: "auto": Small stylesheets are inlined into <style> tags and inserted into <head>, while larger ones remain external.
    • inlineStylesheets: "always": Every style required by the page is inlined.

    As always, css files in the public folder are not affected.

  • #​7260 39403c32f Thanks @​natemoo-re! - Unflags support for output: 'hybrid' mode, which enables pre-rendering by default. The additional experimental.hybridOutput flag can be safely removed from your configuration.

  • #​7109 101f03209 Thanks @​ematipico! - Remove experimental flag for the middleware

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Minor Changes
  • #​7071 e186ecc5e Thanks @​johannesspohr! - Render sibling components in parallel

  • #​6850 c6d7ebefd Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Content collections now support data formats including JSON and YAML. You can also create relationships, or references, between collections to pull information from one collection entry into another. Learn more on our updated Content Collections docs.

  • #​6991 719002ca5 Thanks @​MoustaphaDev! - Enable experimental support for hybrid SSR with pre-rendering enabled by default


    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export defaultdefineConfig({
       output: 'hybrid',
           experimental: {
           hybridOutput: true,

    Then add export const prerender = false to any page or endpoint you want to opt-out of pre-rendering.



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  • #​6990 818252acd Thanks @​Princesseuh! - Generated optimized images are now cached inside the node_modules/.astro/assets folder. The cached images will be used to avoid doing extra work and speed up subsequent builds.

  • #​6659 80e3d4d3d Thanks @​lilnasy! - Implement Inline Stylesheets RFC as experimental

  • #​6771 3326492b9 Thanks @​matthewp! - Implements a new class-based scoping strategy

    This implements the Scoping RFC, providing a way to opt in to increased style specificity for Astro component styles.

    This prevents bugs where global styles override Astro component styles due to CSS ordering and the use of element selectors.

    To enable class-based scoping, you can set it in your config:

    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
      scopedStyleStrategy: 'class',

    Note that the 0-specificity :where pseudo-selector is still the default strategy. The intent is to change 'class' to be the default in 3.0.

  • #​6959 cac4a321e Thanks @​bluwy! - Support <Code inline /> to output inline code HTML (no pre tag)

  • #​6721 831b67cdb Thanks @​ematipico! - Implements a new experimental middleware in Astro.

    The middleware is available under the following experimental flag:

    export default defineConfig({
      experimental: {
        middleware: true,

    Or via CLI, using the new argument --experimental-middleware.

    Create a file called middleware.{js,ts} inside the src folder, and export a onRequest function.

    From astro/middleware, use the defineMiddleware utility to take advantage of type-safety, and use the sequence utility to chain multiple middleware functions.


    import { defineMiddleware, sequence } from 'astro/middleware';
    const redirects = defineMiddleware((context, next) => {
      if (context.request.url.endsWith('/old-url')) {
        return context.redirect('/new-url');
      return next();
    const minify = defineMiddleware(async (context, next) => {
      const repsonse = await next();
      const minifiedHtml = await minifyHtml(response.text());
      return new Response(minifiedHtml, {
        status: 200,
        headers: response.headers,
    export const onRequest = sequence(redirects, minify);
  • #​6932 49514e4ce Thanks @​bluwy! - Upgrade shiki to v0.14.1. This updates the shiki theme colors and adds the theme name to the pre tag, e.g. <pre class="astro-code github-dark">.

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  • #​6703 a1108e037 Thanks @​Princesseuh! - Move image() to come from schema instead to fix it not working with refine and inside complex types


    Remove the image import from astro:content, and instead use a function to generate your schema, like such:

    import { defineCollection, z } from 'astro:content';
      schema: ({ image }) =>
          image: image().refine((img) => img.width >= 200, {
            message: 'image too small',
  • #​6714 ff0430786 Thanks @​bluwy! - Add build.assetsPrefix option for CDN support. If set, all Astro-generated asset links will be prefixed with it. For example, setting it to would generate links.

    Also adds import.meta.env.ASSETS_MREFIX environment variable that can be used to manually create asset links not handled by Astro.

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  • #​6192 b7194103e Thanks @​erg208! - Updated to fix the Node SSR fails on POST with Express JSON middleware

  • #​6630 cfcf2e2ff Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Support automatic image optimization for Markdoc images when using experimental.assets. You can follow our Assets guide to enable this feature in your project. Then, start using relative or aliased image sources in your Markdoc files for automatic optimization:

    <!--Relative paths-->
    ![The Milky Way Galaxy](../assets/galaxy.jpg)
    <!--Or configured aliases-->
    ![Houston smiling and looking cute](~/assets/houston-smiling.jpg)
  • #​6647 45da39a86 Thanks @​bluwy! - Fix --mode flag for builds

  • #​6638 7daef9a29 Thanks @​matthewp! - Avoid implicit head injection when a head is in the tree


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Note This is a detailed changelog of all changes in Astro v2.
See our upgrade guide for an overview of steps needed to upgrade an existing project.

Major Changes
  • #​5687 e2019be6f Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Give remark and rehype plugins access to user frontmatter via frontmatter injection. This means data.astro.frontmatter is now the complete Markdown or MDX document's frontmatter, rather than an empty object.

    This allows plugin authors to modify existing frontmatter, or compute new properties based on other properties. For example, say you want to compute a full image URL based on an imageSrc slug in your document frontmatter:

    export function remarkInjectSocialImagePlugin() {
      return function (tree, file) {
        const { frontmatter } =;
        frontmatter.socialImageSrc = new URL(frontmatter.imageSrc, '').pathname;

    When using Content Collections, you can access this modified frontmatter using the remarkPluginFrontmatter property returned when rendering an entry.

    Migration instructions

    Plugin authors should now check for user frontmatter when applying defaults.

    For example, say a remark plugin wants to apply a default title if none is present. Add a conditional to check if the property is present, and update if none exists:

    export function remarkInjectTitlePlugin() {
      return function (tree, file) {
        const { frontmatter } =;
    +    if (!frontmatter.title) {
          frontmatter.title = 'Default title';
    +    }

    This differs from previous behavior, where a Markdown file's frontmatter would always override frontmatter injected via remark or reype.

  • #​5891 05caf445d Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Remove deprecated Markdown APIs from Astro v0.X. This includes getHeaders(), the .astro property for layouts, and the rawContent() and compiledContent() error messages for MDX.

  • #​5778 49ab4f231 Thanks @​bluwy! - Remove proload to load the Astro config. It will now use NodeJS and Vite to load the config only.

  • #​5728 8fb28648f Thanks @​natemoo-re! - The previously experimental features --experimental-error-overlay and --experimental-prerender, both added in v1.7.0, are now the default.

    You'll notice that the error overlay during astro dev has a refreshed visual design and provides more context for your errors.

    The prerender feature is now enabled by default when using output: 'server'. To prerender a particular page, add export const prerender = true to your frontmatter.

    Warning Integration authors that previously relied on the exact structure of Astro's v1.0 build output may notice some changes to our output file structure. Please test your integrations to ensure compatability. Users that have configured a custom should ensure that their Astro project is configured as an ESM Node project. Either include "type": "module" in your root package.json file or use the .mjs extension for chunkFileNames.

  • #​5782 1f92d64ea Thanks @​Princesseuh! - Remove support for Node 14. Minimum supported Node version is now >=16.12.0

  • #​5771 259a539d7 Thanks @​matthewp! - Removes support for astroFlavoredMarkdown

    In 1.0 Astro moved the old Astro Flavored Markdown (also sometimes called Components in Markdown) to a legacy feature. This change removes the legacy.astroFlavoredMarkdown option completely.

    In 2.0 this feature will not be available in Astro at all. We recommend migration to MDX for those were still using this feature in 1.x.

  • #​5941 304823811 Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Content collections: Introduce a new slug frontmatter field for overriding the generated slug. This replaces the previous slug() collection config option from Astro 1.X and the 2.0 beta.

    When present in a Markdown or MDX file, this will override the generated slug for that entry.


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  • #​5666 bf210f784 Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Correctly handle spaces and capitalization in src/content/ file names. This introduces github-slugger for slug generation to ensure slugs are usable by getStaticPaths. Changes:
    • Resolve spaces and capitalization: collection/Entry With becomes collection/entry-with-spaces.
    • Truncate /index paths to base URL: collection/ becomes collection
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  • #​5297 d2960984c Thanks @​natemoo-re! - Introduces the experimental Prerender API.

    Note This API is not yet stable and is subject to possible breaking changes!

    • Deploy an Astro server without sacrificing the speed or cacheability of static HTML.
    • The Prerender API allows you to statically prerender specific pages/ at build time.


    • First, run astro build --experimental-prerender or enable experimental: { prerender: true } in your astro.config.mjs file.
    • Then, include export const prerender = true in any file in the pages/ directory that you wish to prerender.
  • #​5495 31ec84797 Thanks @​Princesseuh! - Add a new error overlay designed by @​doodlemarks! This new overlay should be much more informative, clearer, astro-y, and prettier than the previous one.

  • #​5291 5ec0f6ed5 Thanks @​bholmesdev! - Introduce Content Collections experimental API

    • Organize your Markdown and MDX content into easy-to-manage collections.
    • Add type safety to your frontmatter with schemas.
    • Generate landing pages, static routes, and SSR endpoints from your content using the collection query APIs.
  • #​5564 dced4a8a2 Thanks @​riywo! - Add server.headers option

  • #​5341 6b156dd3b Thanks @​alexpdraper! - Allow setting domain when deleting cookies

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